Saturday, July 28, 2012

Natural Ways to Treat Leg Pain

To treat leg pain, medical doctors usually prescribe various pain killing drugs. Pain killers usually work within a short amount of time. However, if your body becomes dependent on these drugs, this may have an adverse effect on your vital organs, especially your kidneys and liver. So to prevent this from happening, you may want to opt for natural ways and home remedies to treat the pain. Below you will find some suggestions.
1. Hot compress
To feel better, you can try applying hot compress on your legs. Doing this will give you a soothing effect. While the most common hot compress technique is to put a hot compress bag on your legs, you can try other procedures such as the following: hot towel, hot brick, or even a hot bottle. Just make sure that the temperature is tolerable enough to prevent scalding and burning.
2. Mind your posture.
If your job requires you to always stand, you want to make sure that you stand on both legs to distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Don't stand on one foot as this causes you more pain.
3. Never ever cross your legs.
As previously stated, one of the causes of leg pain is a compressed artery. This compression can be because of several reasons, but one of these reasons is bad circulation or blood flow. So if you have a bad habit of crossing your legs, it's about time that you quit as this will contribute to your pain.
4. Wear a comfortable pair of shoes.
Women who love wearing heels often suffer from leg pain. Sure, these heels will make you look lovely and sexy, but they can also give you much pain. So as much as possible, wear comfortable shoes or choose a better alternative such as wedges and flats.
5. Get a massage regularly.
Leg pain can also be caused by aching muscles. So get a massage or a foot rub from time to time. This will relax the muscles and soothe aching and tired feet.
6. Get enough vitamin D.
If your body does not get enough vitamin D, not only will your legs suffer but also your bones. One of the best natural sources of vitamin D is the morning sun. So as much as you can, go jogging right after the sun shines in the morning to catch some of the sun's healthy rays.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Learn When To Get Gynecomastia Surgically Treated

Some doctors advise you to simply wait for gynecomastia to go away on its own, since it often does. However, this advice does not work for everyone, which is why there is treatment available. If you are not sure if you should wait or do something about it, learn why the latter option may be best for you.
If you are uncomfortable with the way this condition makes you look, you might want to get treatment sooner rather than later. For example, you can get plastic surgery that eliminates most of the excess fat on the chest area. This is a quick way to get rid of the issue, though you will need some time to heal. If other people have made fun of you or you are simply not confident with the excess fat on your chest, fast treatment is likely a good option. Otherwise, you could be waiting years for the issue to go away on its own.
Some may think of surgery for gynecomastia to be solely a cosmetic procedure, in which case it would not be covered by insurance. This is a big reason some people wait for the condition to clear up by itself, as they simply do not have the money to spend on a procedure. However, many insurance companies actually cover this surgery, in which case there may be no need to wait for it to heal by itself. If you have been avoiding the treatment because you cannot afford it, you should ask your insurance provider if it will be covered, either fully or partially.
In general, gynecomastia tends to go away on its own within a few months. If it is still present after one or two years, you might consider surgery. This is especially the case if you have tried other methods, such as medication, to no avail. Your doctor will let you know if you should get a surgical procedure. Most doctors advise patients to wait until they are at least through puberty, and then get the proper treatment for the issue.
If you have been dealing with this condition for months and are ready for it to disappear, you might consider waiting a bit longer. If it has already been years, or you are tired of the humiliation you feel, you should look into the price of having it treated. If it is quite affordable, or even covered by insurance, you are advised to seriously consider having the excess fat surgically removed as soon as possible.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Impact of Soft Drinks and Energy Drinks On Wellness

Most people have heard at some point or another, "soda is horrible for you" but the question is- why are they bad?
If you're like me, being reprimanded and told that "something is bad" isn't necessarily going to stop me from doing it. I have got to know why and alternative options always help make the transition easier
So first off- why "soda is bad":
Diet and regular sodas have both been associated with obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Soft drinks have also been linked with elevated blood pressure. The drinks are seen as a major contributor to the obesity crisis and in a way- it's hardly surprising. Soda is relatively cheap and they are usually wrongly recognized to be "low-calorie" items (which obviously, they are not- particularly when several soft drinks are ingested).
Many reviews indicate that overweight children and adults consume more sugary drinks than normal-weight kids and adults, and several studies found that the greater sugar-sweetened drinks people drank the greater their probability of becoming overweight. And the following is where not only soda, but sugary products take it to the next stage: the more sugary drinks you consume, the more food you usually eat. Why? Due to the "sugar highs and lows" from the soft drinks and the quantity of caffeine. Sugary and highly refined foods (and drinks) often hold you over for 10-15 minutes before you find yourself looking for a snack again... or another sugary or caffeinated drink. A treat of lean protein and a complex carb can hold you over for three hours!
Why energy drinks are harmful:
Energy drinks can be linked to all of the negatives of soda (above). But added to that is the even HIGHER level of caffeine. With soda the FDA limits the amount of caffeine can be in soda (65mg per 12 oz), however with energy drinks, they are certainly not restricted. "The FDA does not regulate caffeine in energy drinks, some of which, like Cocaine, contain huge amounts of caffeine: 280 mg in an 8.4-ounce serving, compared with about 100 mg per 6 ounces in coffee." (Boston Globe)
For the most part, the increased caffeine has not been discovered to be "life-threatening". Nonetheless caffeine can increase anxiety, panic, some stomach problems, and some cardiac arrhythmia.
Drinks high in sugar or caffeine choices:
-flavored water..not the sort you shop for! Toss a handful of frozen strawberries inside a water bottle, or have a pitcher of water in your fridge. The frozen fruit triples as "water flavoring", ice cubes, and a healthy treat once it's thawed!
-green tea- it's calorie-free (if you have it without milk or sugar) and naturally high in antioxidants
-seltzer water & juice- you have the fizziness of the soda (without the majority of the sugar and caffeine) in addition to the flavor of your favored juice. Again, add pieces of frozen fruit to spice it up!
-soy milk- effortlessly sweet and are now supplied in a variety of flavors, including almond and vanilla. The rewards show that soy milk may reduce your risk for heart disease and osteoporosis. Look for low-fat, unsweetened soy beverages to minimize calories

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Things You Can Get Done With A Facelift

If you are looking to change your appearance in either a dramatic or subtle way, you may want to consider getting a facelift. You can erase the effects of time, weather and poor dieting from your face without having to have extensive surgery. It doesn't matter what type of changes you want made, virtually any blemish or flaw that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable can be taken care of. Keep in mind that your face is often the first place where aging is prominent. It is also the first thing people see when you are out in public. In order to present the world with your best face, a facelift can be done to help you accomplish that.
Many people often find that when they start to see signs of aging, it starts to deflate their spirits. This can cause some very negative effects on mood and affect other areas of your life. Instead of being proud of their age, they often start to resent what they see. Their spirits and energy don't coordinate with what their body looks like. In order to prevent that type of scenario from happening, a facelift can help keep you in tune with your body.
There are several things you can have done with a facelift procedure. You can choose to have them done individually or together. If your skin shows signs of excessive elements exposure, feels tough and looks blotchy, you can have skin resurfacing done. There are cosmetic peels and laser techniques that offer microdermabrasion to get rid of the old, dull and dead skin and allow the fresh, softer and younger skin to show through. If you want to tighten up sagging skin or get rid of extra skin that frames your features, you can always have your skin tightened up. This can also get rid of some of the wrinkles that may sprinkle your features.
Depending on the type of work you want done, you may or may not need to have anesthesia. Some techniques that are involved in the facelift process are more involved than others. For instance, you may need to have minor surgery where incisions are placed along certain point in the perimeter of your scalp, in order to do a skin lift. Most procedures don't require you to be put to sleep and can be done in your doctor's office. Sedation and anesthesia can be administered if you and your doctor deem it necessary for your particular procedure. Many procedures also don't require a lot of operational or down time. This makes it much easier for you to schedule an appointment and make time for recovery as well. Of course if you are having surgery, you may want to enlist someone to keep you company for the first day after your operation. Even though the risks are very minimal, you may still see some swelling or bruising in the areas that were worked on. These are temporary and will resolve on their own in a few days. Then you will be free to show the world that age is indeed nothing but a number.